Our Projects
Transportation Design Services
Kennerly Road Project City of Sunset Hills, Missouri
Kennerly Road, in the City of Sunset Hills, located between Gravois and Tesson Ferry just south of I-270. This project was 1.5 miles of mill and overlay, widening, sidewalk addition and new storm sewer design. Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District required water quality facilities along the roadway due to the widening improvements. Rain gardens were designed as a part of this project to fulfill those water quality requirements.
Vineland School Road City of DeSoto, Missouri
Hart Engineering was a subconsultant for this project for the city of Weldon Spring. This project included major improvements to Weldon Spring Parkway including, but not limited to, 900 linear feet of three lane roadway extension, trail, sidewalk, curb and gutter, retaining wall, stormwater design, and utility coordination. Hart's main responsibilities for this project included utility coordination, addressing agency comments, and drafting.
Weldon Spring Parkway Improvements Weldon Spring, Missouri
Hart Engineering was a subconsultant for this project for the city of Weldon Spring. This project included major improvements to Weldon Spring Parkway including, but not limited to, 900 linear feet of three lane roadway extension, trail, sidewalk, curb and gutter, retaining wall, stormwater design, and utility coordination. Hart's main responsibilities for this project included utility coordination, addressing agency comments, and drafting.
BPS Green Alley Phase II City of St. Louis, Missouri
The City of St. Louis constructed its second phase of Green Alleys. All brick and patched pavements were replaced with permeable pavers. Phase II included 3 alleys south of Tower Grove Park, west of Grand Boulevard. By replacing the existing alleys with pervious pavement, the city reduced the amount of runoff entering the combined sewer system, thus increasing the capacity of the existing pipes and reducing the possibilities of back-ups and basement flooding.
Sewer Design Services & Utility Coordination
Big Bend to Papin Storm Sewer Phase 1 Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
Hart Engineering was the Primary Consultant for this contract for storm water upgrades in a residential area of Webster Groves. The purpose of the project was to alleviate basement and yard flooding by proposing a new storm sewer alignment. The project included meeting with homeowners to discuss the issues and needed easements, designing the sewer improvements and site plans, and developing the specifications and cost estimates for construction. This project involved creative solutions to overcome several design challenges including conflicts with existing sanitary sewers, tightly spaced homes and trees, and addressing property owner concerns. Hart made adjustments for additional tasks and design requirements during the project in an efficient manor to the satisfaction of the project manager.
General Services Agreement, Sewer and Process Design Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
Hart Engineering was a sub-consultant for this contract which served as an on-call professional engineering team, with the technical expertise to tackle a wide variety of issues at MSD’s treatment plants and large pump station facilities. Hart Engineering was responsible for the design of a supplementary 8-inch water main and a 6-foot flood protection berm at the Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Facility as well as assisted on other treatment plant projects.
Gravois Creek Watershed Stormwater Improvements Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
Hart Engineering was the Primary Consultant for this contract which consists of four separate storm water improvement projects throughout South St. Louis County in the Gravois Creek Watershed. The purpose of the project wass to alleviate structure and yard flooding in residential areas. Hart Engineering met with homeowners to determine and fully understand the extent of flooding and the likelihood of signing easements. Improvements were designed, and specifications and cost estimates were completed.
Glendale Section D Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
Glendale Section D was located in the Deer Creek Watershed and the Cities of Glendale, Rock Hill, Kirkwood, and Webster Groves. Hart Engineering investigated and made recommendations for the disconnection of private I/I sources into the public sanitary sewer. Approximately 2,300 individual properties were located in the project area. Many of those properties had defects to identify and evaluate in order to determine if a recommendation for their removal from the sanitary sewer system was necessary. There were also approximately 250 private laterals that required rehabilitation or replacement. Hart Engineering designed five separate storm sewer systems in conjunction with this project.
Site Development
West County Dentist De Peres, Missouri
Hart Engineering was the Civil Engineer for a commercial property in Des Peres, MO. Hart was responsible for presenting a Site Plan to the Planning and Zoning board. A Conditional Use Permit application was required and Improvement Plans for approval from the City and MSD. The plan included a building addition, parking lot expansion, and storm sewer/water quality improvements.
Wild Horse Bluffs Chesterfield, Missouri
Wild Horse Bluffs wass an eight lot subdivision on a 5 acre site designed by Hart Engineering. The project was presented to the City of Chesterfield’s Planning and Zoning Commission and a Site Plan was approved by the City. Storm and Sanitary sewers were designed, as well as grading and retaining walls. A sidewalk is proposed along MODOT right-of-way.
Asset Management
St Louis Zoo Assessment St. Louis, Missouri
Hart Engineering was a subconsultant on a project responsible for assessing the site/civil improvements, issues and possible needed projects for the zoo to include in their capital campaign budgeting. This project required the team to assess the entire grounds and civil engineering networks associated with the Zoo and analyze, assess, and anticipate any areas where funding may need to be appropriated.
Critical Infrastructure Assessment Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
In close partnership with other local design firms, Hart Engineering was responsible for assessing MSD’s infrastructure network. The project consisted of performing field evaluations for infrastructure location and connectivity, evaluating CCTV video for infrastructure rehabilitation that may be needed, and providing MSD with a prioritized list of recommended improvements. By combining information from all forms of the assessment process, knowledge and experience with GIS, and the immense amount of historical data available for the MSD jurisdiction, Hart Engineering and its partnership was able to provide a extensive amount of updates and improvements to MSD’s infrastructure mapping system. This project has helpied MSD to more accurately maintain a current record of their vast network.